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What We Offer

Biological Reports

Biological Reports provide agencies and stakeholders with information regarding biological resources on properties, assess potential impacts to biological resources that could occur from proposed projects, and recommend measures to minimize or mitigate these impacts.  Our reports are prepared in compliance with CEQA and NEPA standards.


Botanical Reports

Botanical Reports provide information regarding the botanical resources on properties and assess impacts to these resources by proposed projects. Species-specific restoration recommendations leading to mitigation success are provided when necessary based on our extensive experience.


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Wetland Delineations

We perform thorough jurisdictional delineations of federal and state wetlands and waters per USACE, CDFW, RWQCB, and CCC requirements.     


Habitat Restoration & Land Management Plans

Our experienced staff is skilled at planning, writing, implementing, and monitoring a variety of habitat restoration projects and land management plans including projects in the Coastal Zone, construction restoration, riparian restoration, grazing plans, and many more.

Habitat Evaluations

We perform Habitat Evaluations using our intimate knowledge of botany, wildlife, and ecology to describe biological resources and understand constraints, potential impacts, and mitigation strategies for proposed actions.


Protocol Species Surveys

Our agency-approved biologists conduct protocol-level surveys for rare and endangered species, as well as comprehensive biological resource surveys for floral and fauna.


Construction Monitoring

Our biologists have substantial experience working on major construction sites communicating with electricians, heavy equipment operators, foremen, and other crew members.  We strive to protect environmental resources while maintaining project progress and preventing compliance violations.


Permit Assistance

Our office prepares State and Federal permit applications for authorizations under Section 404 and 401 of the Clean Water Act and Fish and Game Code 1602.  We provide biological resource studies and analysis for USFWS Section 7 and 10 actions under the Endangered Species Act, and for California Code section 2081 authorizations under the California Endangered Species Act.

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