Riparian/Wetland Plant Identification
Jun 11-12, 2025
Workshop Description
Riparian/Wetland Plant Identification: Salinas River and Tributaries This is an intensive introductory/intermediate course on riparian and wetland plant identification and ecology. It is geared towards anyone who wants or needs to improve their knowledge and skills about riparian/wetland plants. Emphasis will be given to Central Coast California species and habitats; however, information learned in this class will be readily applicable throughout California and elsewhere. Common and rare species will be covered. The class will include classroom presentation and exercises, and field excursions, primarily into the Salinas River, a dynamic free-flowing Central California river. We will spend at least half the time in the field. Attendees will learn: · How to identify many riparian tree and shrub species, as well as herbaceous species, by sight and using written dichotomous keys · Tips to remembering the challenging willows (Salix spp.) · How to use identification keys · Plant description terminology (Latin and Greek) · Tools available to help identify native plants · Plant family characteristics Questions: contact Paul Oyler, paul@althouseandmeade.com Instructor bio, agenda (subject to change), and equipment list/materials provided below:

Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations made up to 30 days prior to the event will incur a 10% refund processing fee. Cancellations made after 30 days but before 7 days prior to the event will incur a 25% refund processing fee. No refunds or cancellations will be accepted within 7 days of the workshop date. Substitutions may be permitted on a case-by-case basis, ensuring price and attendance compatibility with the alternative workshop.
Contact Details
Althouse & Meade Inc, Ramada Drive, Paso Robles, CA, USA